What photos work best together for the perfect layout?

Everything you need to know about which photos to pick and where to put them!

Photo selection
  • To change the order of your photos, all you need to do is drag and drop your photos.
  • You can delete a photo from the book by clicking on it and turning off the toggle next to “Include in book” — don’t worry, your photo won’t be deleted from the trip itself. 
  • To remove a whole step from the book, switch off the toggle next to the step.  
  • To add photos to your Travel Book, just add them to any existing or new steps in your trip. 

Photo layouts

  • You can have up to four photos on a page — just keep in mind that the layout of your photos depends on the size and orientation of the images you pick. 
  • It’s up to you how you like your photos to appear but two combinations we recommend are four landscape photos together or two portrait photos together. This leaves the least amount of white space on the page.
  • You can also decide to select only one photo on a page but keep in mind that your photo will be printed full-page, so you want to make sure it is your best shot and of high quality!
  • If you want to crop a photo, you will have to delete the image from the trip itself, crop it, and then add it back in before regenerating your book preview.