Can I save the changes I've made to the Travel Book so I can continue editing later?

Yes! You can start editing your Travel Book and finish it at any other time.

Just hit the red "Save & Generate" button to save your edits. The changes you make to the Travel Book will be saved for your next visit.

To continue editing after a big cup of coffee for example, or a night's sleep, just hit the create Travel Book button to generate the last edited version of your book.

Please keep in mind that "Save & Generate" button is only active if your Travel Book consists of 398 pages or less.

If your Travel Book is currently over 398 pages, we can recommend doing the following:

First, deselect some full steps so your page count is below 398, and then click on the red 'save and generate' button.

Second, you will be able to make small changes like excluding photos and dragging photos to other pages and then click on the 'save and generate' button to save these changes straight away. 

You can see how to save your changes below:

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