How do I add a Travel buddy to my trip?

When you create a new trip, you will become the Trip owner and you have the option to add Travel buddies to your trip. Please know that they will need to have a Polarsteps account to be invited.

To add a buddy to your trip:

  1. When you’re in the 'Add trip' menu, tap the + button next to ‘Travel buddies’ to bring up your friends list (i.e. people you follow, people that follow you, or both)
  2. Add your friends or search for any other Polarsteps user. You can add up to 5 Travel buddies (excluding yourself)
  3. Tap ‘Save’ to save your Travel buddies
  4. When everything is ready, save your trip

After you save your changes, your (hopefully) soon-to-be Travel buddies will receive a notification with the invite, which they can accept to join the trip. The trip will then also be visible to them in their Polarsteps profile (in the Me tab of the app).

If you are not the Trip owner or if you want to add people after creating the trip, you can also invite them to your trip from your Trip settings menu.

Please note: Adding and removing Travel buddies is not available on our website, only when using the Polarsteps app. Only the Trip owner can remove people from a shared trip.

If you want to remove Travel buddies from a trip, please read our article: How do I remove a Travel buddy from a shared trip?

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