How do I leave a Travel Together trip?

If you have joined a Travel Together trip, but no longer wish to be part of it, you can always decide to leave the trip.

If you are a Travel buddy, but not the Trip owner, you can do so as follows:

  1. Open the Trip
  2. Go to the Trip settings
  3. Scroll down and tap "Leave trip"
  4. When you leave a trip, the trip will be removed from your profile.

If you are the Trip owner, you may also decide to leave a Travel Together trip. You can do so as follows:

  1. Open the Trip
  2. Go to the Trip settings
  3. Scroll down and tap "Delete trip"

Please note: By deleting the Travel Together trip as a Trip owner, it will be deleted for everyone in the Trip group. This also applies if you decide to delete your account. We recommend alerting your Travel buddies beforehand if you plan to remove a trip or your account to give them the opportunity to save any step texts.

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