Where can I give suggestions for new spots in Guides?

We want your input! We’re using the knowledge of our international team of Travel Editors, together with the input of our community to collect inspiration for spots in our travel guides. 

If you got super excited about a certain restaurant, accommodation, trail, museum, or anything else during your trip but you can’t find it in our Guides, then please let us know your suggestions. Our Travel Editors will carefully curate all spots before adding them to our Guides so that we can offer the coolest, most worthy visited spots that will make your trip so memorable. 

Because we know that making decisions about where to go and what to visit during your trip is even harder when there’s a ton of options, we’re offering a carefully selected curation of spots. That means not too many spots for the same destination, so you won’t have to spend hours scrolling through lists. We’ll make sure to do all the work for you and pick the spots you don’t want to miss during your trip! 

You can use the feedback button in the guides or send us an email at support@polarsteps.com with your suggestions and we’ll make sure to check it out. 

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